Saturday, October 30, 2010


What did you learn about podcasting?  How can it be used in the classroom?

Well, I knew a lot about podcasting since I listen to a lot of sports radio.  Typically, I'm on the road a lot and in my car, so I'm able to listen a lot.  However, sometimes, I'm in and out of the car running errands, or meeting with clients so I miss stuff.  It always happens when the radio announcers are about to interview someone that I'm actually interested in hearing what they have to say.  The radio station puts all interviews in podcast so that I can download them to my phone and listen when I would like to.  I can see how this would be beneficial in the classroom seeing as how more and more kids are on the go.  Going to this practice or brother and sister's practice, and not really having enough time for the studies.  With a podcast of a lecture or some other informative session via podcast, they can do all that they have to do, and still get in their study time.  Or in my case with Physical Education, maybe they can download a series of Olympian jumps, or a workout routine to use at home without having to be in front of a tv

How is podcasting different/similar to other Web 2.0 applications we discussed so far?

Podcasting is not as interactive as say a Wiki.  Podcasting is more of a one way communicative application for students to gain information without having to either sit in front of a computer or tv or be near a radio.  It's more personalized and can be taken with them wherever they would like to go.

Reflection:  Do you own an iPod or MP3 player?  How do you use it?  Would you use it in your classroom and how?  What do you think about advantages/disadvantages of online communication tools?

I do not own an iPod since most of my listening is in my car.  I have satellite radio and regular radio, and I get Pandora on my phone that I can plug into my car.  I guess my phone can substitute for an MP3 player or iPod, but I don't download music.  I once had a computer with probably 6 straight days worth of music on it that I either copied from my collection, or downloaded.  My computer crashed and most of the music couldn't be recovered.  I was so devastated, it took years to get that compilation together and in a blink it was gone.  I haven't downloaded anything since.  I do see the benefit of using a podcasting in the classroom as a teaching tool, like I said, I could cast workout routines that students could take with them, or maybe videos of certain athletes performing a particular task that students could practice to emulate.  The communication tools available these days are astounding when one steps back to take a look at it.  The only thing that worries me about all of it, is less human interaction.  I'm a people person, and like being around people.  Viewing reactions, reading body language.  There are so many ways to communicate with people without ever shaking a hand it kind of frightens me.  However, I either have to cope or I lose out on what's happening in the world.

Whitsitt Rhys Shelton


  1. I have read an increasing number of concerned blogs, journals, and books that talk about how communication through technology has reduced the amount of face to face interaction. Psychologists have a lot to say about this. The more advanced technology becomes, the less interaction takes place face to face with other people. I heard one psychologist say in an interview, and I'll have to paraphrase here, that all this technology that brings us together is actually moving us further apart. That was completely fascinating to me. It is a good thing to recognize that.

  2. Man, you make a great point about the benefit of podcasting while at a sports practice and not having time for studies. I coach my son's traveling baseball team and it seems that we are always on the go. We practice two to three times a week and then travel to play a double header somewhere different each weekend. He is a great student but could definitely benefit from the use of podcasting.

  3. Interesting point Nathan about the technology that brings us closer is moving us apart. In a a way I kind of agree with this. Technology is a great thing but I have seen so many people sit in a room together and play with their phones or laptops and not say a word to each other. I have a friend that her teenager and her will text back and forth from the same house in different rooms instead of walking into the other room to talk face to face! Technology can also take all the personal touches out of daily life if we are not careful.

  4. Hi guys,

    Maybe our next generation would like to use technology as a medium to communicate to each other. It seems to me that face-to-face way is becoming out of date!!!

    Thanks y'all!

