Saturday, October 16, 2010

Wikis, Socialbookmarking, and voicethread

So, I recently did my journal critique about using wikis for a physical education project.  Basically the teacher set the students into groups and charged them with creating a game.  He then set them up all up with wikis so that they could all collaborate on the creation of the game.  At the same time, the teacher could monitor progress as well as comment on things to help the students along.  I thought this was the most brilliant thing I had ever heard of.  Not only is it incorporating technology into physical education, which I originally thought would be impossible, it gets students to think about physical education more than just once or twice a week.  If given the chance I would like to be able to do something like this with at least one class a semester. 

In regards to social bookmarking, I thought this was a really great idea too.  Years ago, I discovered this online playlist.  For me, this was fantastic since it seemed like I was sitting at a new computer every day.  With my online playlist, I could listen to my music without having to sit at the same computer, or plug my mp3 player into some portal, or having to have earphones on.  I have small ears so earphones just don't work for me.  Okay, back on topic, social bookmarking seems to be the same concept.  Not only can I sit at any computer on any network and get to my bookmarks, I can also view other's bookmarks and see if they have found anything useful or interesting.  My favorites bar across the top of my computer is constantly used, honestly I don't know if I could even write in the url anymore if I needed to.  I'm very reliant on my favorites, so the social bookmarks seems to be a pretty great idea.    I couldn't really get any of the voicethread links to work, I didn't really understand it.  It does seem to be pretty neat, but not something I would ever put into application. 

I had the pleasure of exploring Tapped In, this is an awesome website! Having great teachers is the key to having highly educated students.  The whole idea of having teachers collaborate worldwide is rather intoxicating.  I will most definitely be interested in using this type of learning community. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is an awesome idea to add some technology to a physical education class. It allows the students to brainstorm ideas and then provides entertaining physical fitness when the games come to life. I had never even heard of Tapped In and was amazed by the idea. It is brilliant. You make a great statement about having great teachers and this accomplishing the high level of educated students. We as teachers can always learn new methods and techniques of delivery and Tapped In is a wonderful way to find these.
